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The Best Blind Date In Texas

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781474021791

Полная версия

WELCOME TO RANGER SPRINGS, TEXASC'mon down to the Four Square Cafe. The food's hot, and the gossip's hotter!Love is BlindFolks in Ranger Springs know Gray Phillips is the perfect blind date–they just can't persuade the gallant, sexy entrepreneur to date the same woman twice! Then Dr. Amy Wheatley's father gets in cahoots with the town matchmakers to fix up Amy and Gray–and rumors of a steamy kiss witnessed in the wee hours of the morning go flying. Now they're officially an item, and everyone's buzzin' about an engagement. Except there's a sizzling tension between them, a yearning in Amy's eyes and–can it be?–fear in Gray's. Have these two conspired to fool us all…and only fooled themselves?The Way We Met…and Married: a funny thing happened on the way to the wedding

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