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Texan for the Holidays

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408957721

Полная версия

Christmas Cheer In A Small Texas TownNo sooner has Scarlett, a hairstylist from Atlanta, Georgia, shouted, «California, here I come!» than her clunker of a car breaks down. There are worse places to be stranded than Brody's Crossing, especially when hunky local James Brody is dying to show her how they celebrate the holidays in their quaint Texas town. James can't believe this far-out redhead was planning on spending Christmas without her family. Especially when family means so much to him–it's why he moved back home.He knows there's no way he can keep a big-city girl in a place like this for long…but can he keep her here long enough to explore the feelings growing between them? Maybe so, because even though Scarlett promised herself she'd be in Los Angeles by the New Year, she's becoming more Texan by the minute!

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