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Duty and the Beast

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408974032

Полная версия

She hasn’t saved herself for all these years only to be taken by a barbarian!Rescued from the clutches of a lascivious prince, Princess Aisha Peshwah quickly realises she’s jumped out of the frying pan and headfirst into the fire. Her rescuer is Zoltan Al Farouk bin Shamal – an unashamed barbarian! – who must marry Aisha himself to ensure he is crowned King!Commanding, stern and brutally attractive, Zoltan is as untamed as the desert he will be master of! And, as much as Aisha tries to resist, her innocent body soon begins to unravel beneath his powerful possession…

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