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Make Room For Mommy

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472068750

Полная версия

MAGGIE WELLS WAS A «GREAT GAL.»So how come she couldn't get a date? She was getting really tired of spending her weekends in front of the television. So she decided to volunteer at the community center. That's when she met little Brandy.BRANDY CONNER WAS A GREAT KID.She loved her new grown-up friend, Maggie. And Brandy thought Maggie would make an even neater friend for her dad, Ryan.RYAN CONNER WAS A GREAT…HUNK.Life as a single dad was no bed of roses, but he wasn't interested in finding a new wife–no way, no how. Not even one as beguiling as Maggie Wells….Could they convince him to make room for Maggie?

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