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To Claim a Wife

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472068149

Полная версия

REBEL BridesTwo rebellious cousins–and the men who tame them!Caitlin Bodine is the black sheep of her family. She's shunned by her cousin Maddie–but no one's bad opinion of her hurts so much as Reno Duvall's. As a young girl, Caitlin hero-worshiped this tough, sexy rancher. As a woman, she's haunted by her reputation and a tragedy Reno will never forgive….Reno Duvall blames Caitlin for his brother's death. He can't believe she has the nerve to return after all these years–or that he's forced to share his home with her! So why can't he stop thinking about her? Caitlin is simply too wild to wed, but suddenly Reno finds himself longing to claim her as his wife!

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