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Almost a Christmas Bride

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:

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A YULETIDE BRIDE? Shana Callahan had long ago given up wishful thinking. A single mum with a chequered past, she knew to be grateful for small gifts. And what Landon Kincaid had given her was far more than that. His unexpected job offer had provided her with so much – a good income, a safe home for her child and the opportunity to start anew in Chance City.She’d insisted on keeping things strictly business, but the more she got to know her charismatic boss, the harder it became to be his “almost wife.” The town gossip was almost unbearable, but even worse was fighting the longing she felt for Kincaid. Would their December tryst ruin everything…or grant them the ultimate gift?

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