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Powerlines. Words That Sell Brands, Grip Fans, and Sometimes Change History

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9780470883280
Бесплатный фрагмент: pdf

Полная версия

Powerlines, the exceptional slogans that people remember long after the campaign ends, stand out from the barrage of marketing messages consumers face each day. A product, service, company, candidate, or an organization with a powerline outshines the competition every time. Steve Cone, author of Steal These Ideas!, reveals the secrets to contemporary marketing's biggest mystery: how to conjure the phrase that will make a product irresistible and memorable. This book restores the lost art of creating killer slogans to its proper place: front and center in every campaign. Drawing on examples of great and not-so-great lines from marketing, politics, and popular culture, Cone provides an irreverent, intelligent, and insightful primer on a singularly important aspect of brand building. Silver Medal Winner, Advertising/Marketing/PR/Event Planning Category, Axiom Business Book Awards (2009)

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