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One Final Step

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018

Полная версия

A new image…step by stepWho said moving forward is easy? Car thief turned race car driver, Michael Langdon has worked hard to build his image. Now to take it to the next level and become a successful manufacturer, he needs to kick that image up a notch. Enter Madeleine Kane, a genius at adjusting public perception. With her in charge, he's guaranteed to look better while keeping his darkest secrets where they belong–in the past.Doesn't take long, however, for his ambition to change and the campaign to become personal. Because he wants Madeleine–as beautiful as she is talented and smart. First, Michael must overcome her reservations about crossing professional boundaries and persuade her he's worth the risk…without revealing those buried parts of himself. Good thing he's very persuasive.

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