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The Greek Tycoon's Convenient Wife

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408903148

Полная версия

Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.The Greek tycoon… Kyros Pavlidis is a multi-billionaire, used to buying whatever he wants. Too late Alice realises that she’s his latest acquisition! An overwhelming attraction… Unbeknown to her, when the darkly handsome Greek tycoon sweeps her off her feet he has a purely convenient aim in mind – marriage! The marriage merger… Alice is thrilled when Kyros makes his whirlwind proposal…only to discover that he wants a new wife in his bed for reasons that have everything to do with necessity and nothing to do with love…Greek Billionaires’ Brides possessed by two Greek billionaire brothers – as mistresses, as wives…

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