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Woman in a Sheikh's World

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781408974704

Полная версия

With a client list hotter than the scorching desert, wedding planner Avery Scott shouldn’t be surprised that her latest client is Crown Prince Malik of Zubran – the man who once lit her body on fire…before steamrollering over her heart.Determined to ignore Malik’s lethal charm, Avery makes a very personal not to-do list:1. She’s not Malik’s intended, so their relationship must remain 100% professional.2. His arranged bride might have run away – but for the Kings of Zubran duty always comes first.3. However luxurious the Bedouin tent…and however smouldering the tension…pride dictates the touch she craves stays strictly forbidden.‘Sarah Morgan has the touch of a genius to capture the interest of the reader from the very first sentence.’ – Arpita, Retired Teacher, Essex

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