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Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472003577

Полная версия

‘SO WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THE WAGER, MISS PRENTESS? A DIAMOND WORTH THOUSANDS AGAINST A NIGHT WITH ME?’No London beauty has managed to tame the incorrigible Jasper Coale, though many have lost their reputations trying. In sedate Bath on a family errand, the Viscount expects to find little in terms of entertainment – certainly no female company to tempt him…Miss Susannah Prentess’s discreet card parties in Royal Crescent offer a welcome distraction. And the glint in Susannah’s hazel eyes tells Jasper he’s met his match at last. But is she game enough to accept the most outrageous wager of all? The Notorious Coale Brothers They are the talk of the Ton!

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