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Sup With The Devil

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781474055840

Полная версия

Mills & Boon proudly presents THE SARA CRAVEN COLLECTION. Sara’s powerful and passionate romances have captivated and thrilled readers all over the world for five decades making her an international bestseller.Could he seduce her into forgetfulness?Courtney had always dreamed of one day desired by a lover and responding ardently to him. But with the right man–not ever with Blair Devereux!For three long years, the memory of how Blair had ruined her family and stolen their home had haunted her.Now she must do the impossible – forget the past for her family's sake and become Blair's bride. And no one could have been more surprised than she to find the forgetfulness she needed in the oblivion of love's passion!

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