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Meant To Marry

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781408984550

Полная версия

THE MARRIAGE MAKERMeant to marry – divided by scandal Anet Carruthers had always kept her past firmly where it belonged, until she met Lucas Tremaine! Lucas Tremaine, a writer of considerable prowess, was in pursuit of Anet's past – for therein lay an unresolved scandal!He encountered a woman of Amazonian proportions to match his own, a woman he'd forgo anything to have. Anet wanted Lucas but believed she was being seduced for her story. He wanted her but couldn't get close. Even when two people are quite clearly meant for each other, distrust is a great divider. It will take more than magic to unite this pair!THE MARRIAGE MAKER – Can a picture from the past bring love to the present?

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