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English History: People, places and events that built a country

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9780008306526

Полная версия

From prehistoric England, Stonehenge and the Romans to modern times, discover the people, places and events that built a country. A concise but comprehensive guide to English history and how England has come to be what it is today.Key events, people and places include:• The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings• 1066, Battle of Hastings• Richard 1 and The Crusades• Henry VIII, Thomas More, The Spanish Armada, Gunpowder Plot• Cromwell• World Wars 1 and 2• The NHS• The 1953 Coronation• World Cup win• The Beatles• Margaret Thatcher• Princess Diana• BrexitBeautifully produced, Collins Little Book of English History is a treasure in itself and makes a perfect gift for any visitor to England or enthusiast about its history.

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