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Cold Case at Cobra Creek

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018

Полная версия

A Native American tracker makes it his mission to bring a missing child home, just in time for Christmas[unknown-8230] After two years, Sage Freeport had all but given up hope of seeing her little boy again[unknown-8230]until she met Dugan Graystone. They shared a disdain for local law enforcement, the same folks who’d hindered Sage’s efforts to find her son. As an expert tracker, the broad-shouldered Native American was sure he could find the child – even if he had to leave Texas to do it. Spending time with Sage, watching as she broke down every time a lead didn’t pan out, Dugan worked harder than he ever had before. Now, with Christmas just days away, Dugan knew Sage trusted him to give her the greatest gift of all: bringing Benji home.[unknown-8230]

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