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An Innocent Masquerade

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472039873

Полная версия

THE MYSTERY MAN OF HER DREAMSAfter losing his beloved wife in childbirth, Thomas Dilhorne is a man inconsolable. Worried that his son will never recover from his grief, Thomas's father sends him to Melbourne to do a little business and try to enjoy himself. But an attack by robbers turns the Dilhorne heir into a man who can remember neither his name nor his past.Kirstie Moore can hardly believe it when her father brings home a mysterious vagrant! Fred Waring might have duped her father into believing he was a decent sort, but Kirstie has her suspicions. Soon «Fred» proves he's a good worker and works his charms on the Moore family, including beautiful Kirstie. But will she still love him when she discovers his true identity?

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