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The Cowboy Who Got Away

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
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From homecoming crowns to wedding rings!Hunky bull rider Jude Campbell seems to have the world by the proverbial horns. But when the world champion returns to Celebration for his school reunion, he's confronted by the ghosts he'd worked so hard to forget. Not to mention the high school love who got away…Bridezilla wrangler Juliette Lowell is as gorgeous and genuine as she was as Jude's homecoming queen. And the spark between them burns as bright as ever. But Jules still smarts from Jude's betrayal years before. And as successful as he seems, Jude's struggling with the prospect of hanging up his spurs. But with his queen, Juliette, by his side, maybe this homecoming will last forever…

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