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Yours In Black Lace

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472029621

Полная версия

P.I. Emilio Sanchez just received the latest supersexy note from his hot, anonymous admirer.Signed only as «Yours in Black Lace,» the letters are becoming more illicit with every blazing word. Getting the pearl-gray note cards at work suggests that she's someone in his office, but he can't be sure, and the not knowing is driving Emilio crazy. When she's discovered, he knows better than to mix business with pleasure, but the words are irresistible. And so is Stevie.Stephanie «Stevie» Madison. Investigator, siren, letter writer. When Emilio discovers it's her, he knows he should keep hands off, but the words she wrote are unforgettable. And, now that she's in jeopardy, she isn't just a colleague anymore, she's also a client. At an exclusive hideaway, he can't fight the attraction any longer, especially when she hands him a new note card. How can he protect her from danger when he can't even protect her from his own desire? And how can he ever protect their hearts?

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