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The Scandalous Sabbatinis

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781472018205

Полная версия

The Sabbatini Brothers: Three powerful playboys from the richest dynasty in Europe!He'll have his child!Billionaire Luca Sabbatini may have ruthlessly cast Bronte from his life – but he hadn't forgotten the sweet ballerina. Now he's back, only this time he finds Bronte isn't quite so biddable!There's a secret she's hiding… He needs an heir!When penniless Maya met Giorgio Sabbatini, he married her, despite her lack of heritage. But Giorgio belongs to a blue-blooded family and when she can't give him an heir, Maya walks away after they have one last reckless night of passion…Commanded to marry…Notorious Nic Sabbatini doesn't respond well to ultimatums – not even those in a will! But when stunning, wilful Jade breezes into his office and announces their wedding to him and the world's media, Nic goes along. He won't turn Jade down again…

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