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Never Underestimate a Caffarelli

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781472002525

Полная версия

Has this Caffarelli finally met his match?Millionaire playboy Raoul Caffarelli has always lived life in the fast lane. But when an accident confines him to a wheelchair – and to the care of a woman whose beauty taunts him – he’s consumed with rage and frustration.Used to difficult patients, physical therapist Lily Archer won’t be cowed by Raoul’s arrogance or distracted by his Adonis-like physique. Carrying her own scars from the past, Lily has vowed never to relinquish her power to a man again. Both underestimate the power of the shared passion between them.Their physical scars may heal, but some wounds run much deeper…‘This story literally took my breath away!’ – Bea, 59, Leicester

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