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His Final Bargain

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781472002068

Полная версия

A beautiful love affair and a burning betrayal… Eliza Lincoln is stunned to find Leon Valente at her door. Four years ago his passionate embrace was a brief taste of freedom from her suffocating engagement – until Leon discovered her secret. Yet he hasn’t come to rekindle their affair.He has a proposition he knows Eliza can’t refuse: he needs her help to take care of his motherless daughter. Torn, Eliza can’t ignore a vulnerable child – but the last time she was near Leon her desire nearly consumed her. Is she willing to take that risk again now that the stakes are even higher?‘Tense and dramatic, a thriller from start to finish.’ – Juliette, 56, Winnersh

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