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Twins For The Texas Rancher

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781474060226

Полная версия

DOUBLE TROUBLE!Sadie McHenry and her twin sons are heading home to Stampede, Texas. Sadie wants a chance to start over after being laid off—and she might have found it with rancher Logan Hardell. Logan instantly bonds with her boys, especially with Tommy, whose ADD makes him a handful. But Logan seems to understand the four-year-old’s needs and seeing them together melts Sadie’s heart.Logan’s ranch is at risk, so Sadie agrees to help with their books—putting Logan on twin patrol! With his fun-loving approach to the kids and his rugged appeal, Sadie can’t understand why he’s ruled out a family of his own. But she's not giving up on him just yet. Because Sadie’s convinced Logan is exactly what she and her boys need!

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