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The Fourth Door

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2020

Полная версия

Psychological thriller with high emotional impact Marta is a fragile and problematic girl, Stefano a man who had to give up the love of his life, Greta is lucid and calculator, accused of murder. Personalities that apparently have only one thing in common: they have witnessed events on the edge of rational understanding. Love, magic and mystery will be opposed to the violence inherent in each of them. Stella, the protagonist, will try to elaborate a traumatic experience that she lived as a child with the help of a psychiatrist. But the result of that elaboration, will destabilize her to the point of bringing out in her the ancient beliefs and legends of Yoruba, of the Cuban village where she was born and lives with her mother and grandmother. Four stories that intersect each other in an extraordinary way, four characters that lead the reader to think that their reality is a mirror that more or less accurately reflects the outside world without realizing, on the contrary, that the mind itself is the main element of creation.

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