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In The King's Service

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472079244

Полная версия

'Twas Said He Could Whisper A Woman To Bed……and now Sir Blaidd Morgan had turned his considerable charms on Lady Becca Throckton. But could she trust his intent? A childhood injury had made her fit to be no man's bride, and yet the Welsh warrior made her feel she'd a right to her woman's heart!The Lady Becca surprised him, and that was rare, Sir Blaidd mused. Indeed, she had a fire that stirred him in unexpected ways. Though he could ill afford a dalliance on this secret mission for his king, he found himself entranced. Surely this was no mere idyll. Nay, this had the feel of forever…!

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