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Sanctuary in Chef Voleur

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019

Полная версия

SHE WAS A COMPLICATION P.I. MACK GRIFFIN DIDN'T NEED–BUT A TEMPTATION HE COULDN'T RESIST. From the moment he opens his door to her, P.I. Mack Griffin knows he's inviting trouble. Not only has Hannah Martin fled to New Orleans after witnessing a brutal murder, but the killer has kidnapped her ailing mother. Nothing but trouble, so…Why does the sexy P.I. decide to help Hannah and keep her safe? Because watching her fight for justice while trying to stay alive demonstrates a bravery he finds nothing short of amazing. With criminals on their trail and everything to lose, Mack will be there for her as any professional investigator would. And yet winning this battle has suddenly turned into something much more personal.

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