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Take Me, Cowboy

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781474038577

Полная версия

This sexy rancher is her best friend—but can he be more? Only from USA TODAY bestselling author Maisey Yates!She's just one of the boys, but with a new business in Copper Ridge, Anna Brown needs to change that. Her brothers bet she can't land a date for a fancy charity event. So Anna turns to her best friend—the hottest bachelor in town—for advice.Rancher Chase McCormack wants in on that gala. If Anna takes him, he promises to turn her into a lady. But the makeover reveals what he's long suspected—Anna's irresistible! Is his best friend prepared to be taken—heart, body and soul—by her very own cowboy?

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