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The Billionaire's Trophy

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
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On his arm… What is his intern’s photo doing on an escort website?Bastian Christou doesn’t know if he’s more surprised by her double life or her stunning photo – she’s kept those curves well hidden! He has an ex-fiancée to keep at bay, and Emmie Marshall might just be the best armour money can buy. And in his bed?Emmie is outraged when Bastian, her uncompromising boss, confronts her. She had no idea her photo was online.But his cheque’s been cashed and he’s come to collect his prize… A weekend in Greece. With her. Alone.Their relationship might be fake, but Emmie’s trepidation is all too real!‘Fast-paced and always dramatic, another 5* for Lynne!’ – Alex, 37, Shropshire

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