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For His Little Girl

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018

Полная версия

A KNIGHT IN SHINING…STETSONFrom the moment the rugged rancher swept Lisa Hampton into his arms and out of a raging blizzard, she'd never felt safer in her life. Pregnant, alone and without a memory, what woman couldn't use a knight right about now…Wary Jack Wilder was no knight; he did what any man would have done in his boots. But Jack couldn't deny that the feisty beauty and her unborn child had pierced right through his armored heart. Funny thing–for a man who'd sworn off women, he found himself wanting to protect Lisa and her baby…today, tomorrow…WILDERS OF WYATT COUNTY: Their hearts are as big as the wide-open Wyoming sky.

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