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Her Client from Hell

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472017628

Полная версия

Her customer satisfaction guarantee…!Cassie Sweet has a new mantra in her life—failure is not an option! Her good-for-nothing ex might have run off with all her money, but she’s determined to make her new catering business a success. So no distractions. Nothing. Nada. Zero. Which means her infuriatingly rude—and exasperatingly handsome!—new client, filmmaker Jack Brennan, is definitely off the menu…After all, while the customer might always be right, Jack’s clearly every shade of wrong! So when his clothes end up on her bedroom floor why do they look so right? And the biggest question of all: is this a recipe for disaster—or the best mistake of her life…?

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