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Come Lie With Me

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781408954881

Полная версия

The accident that temporarily robbed Blake Remington of his ability to walk also took away his will to live.It would take a woman whose soul was as paralyzed as his body to make him care again. Dione Kelly was Blake's last chance. She knew that, and she knew the challenge his case presented.But what she didn't realize was that, in healing the broken man he had become, by helping Blake to rediscover his strength, she would expose her own painful vulnerabilities and start to heal herself. Bestselling author Linda Howard beautifully examines the dark anguish of loneliness in this moving, heart-wrenching and ultimately resounding novel about faith, trust and the miracle of love.

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