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Island Promises

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781472055637

Полная версия

Destination wedding guest list:The Ex-WifeMegan McNeil is genuinely happy to escort her little girls to their father’s wedding in Kauai, Hawaii—even though she feels like a third wheel. One gorgeous groomsman definitely disagrees. But are they both carrying too much baggage to begin a new romance?The Best ManDevlin Marshall won't let anything spoil his buddy's big day—not even his own rocky marriage. Secrets and mistrust have divided him from his Amy, but the love in the air seems to be catching….The SisterFamily comes first. Deep down, Gabi Foster knows it, but this holiday is hurting her career. Can a sweet, sexy surfing instructor convince her that love is worth more than a business deal?

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