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One Hot Desert Night

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781474002806

Полная версия

A sheikh’s seduction turns innocence to passion—and temptation into a second chance at love.Sheikh Rayad Rostam has devoted his life to protecting his country…and avenging his wife’s untimely death. So his sudden attraction to adventurous foreign correspondent Sunny McAdams proves unexpected, unwelcome—and undeniable. Still, when a violent storm threatens her safety, Rayad refuses to let her go. They take passionate refuge in each other’s arms.Sunny fears a future with a man hell-bent on revenge. She’s had too much darkness in her life. But she’s falling hard for the sexy alpha soldier and he may be too much temptation to resist….

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