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The Perfect Match

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781474031509

Полная версия

What if the perfect match is a perfect surprise?Honor Holland has just been unceremoniously rejected by her lifelong crush. And now–a mere three weeks later–Mr. Perfect is engaged to her best friend. But resilient, reliable Honor is going to pick herself up, dust herself off and get back out there…or she would if dating in Manningsport, New York, population 715, wasn't easier said than done.Charming, handsome British professor Tom Barlow just wants to do right by his unofficial stepson, Charlie, but his visa is about to expire. Now Tom must either get a green card or leave the States–and leave Charlie behind.In a moment of impulsiveness, Honor agrees to help Tom with a marriage of convenience–and make her ex jealous in the process. But juggling a fiancé, hiding out from her former best friend and managing her job at the family vineyard isn't easy. And as sparks start to fly between Honor and Tom, they might discover that their pretend relationship is far too perfect to be anything but true love….

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