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The Downfall of a Good Girl

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472001689

Полная версия

When she was good… Southern debutante Vivienne LaBlanc can’t believe bad-boy rock star Connor Mansfield is back in town for the New Orleans annual Saints and Sinners pageant. He has a reputation as wicked as his devilish smile, and Vivi has no intention of becoming one of his latest groupies!He once crushed her high school heart, so playing the saint to Connor’s sinner should be easy. But how can Vivi get those less than angelic thoughts out of her head – especially when Connor’s so good at tempting her to be bad?‘Kimberly’s story was so unpredictable, raw and emotional that it left me thinking about it long after I’d finished reading it. Definitely a must read.’ – Roanne, 28, London

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