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Happily Never After

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472086747

Полная версия

Members of the wedding party are starting to die.No one could believe that Thomas Beckham was the kind of man to leave a woman at the altar, but he couldn't marry his bride-to-be. Not after what he'd seen her do. His only choice was to leave and never look back–and to keep to himself everything he'd witnessed.After the wedding-that-wasn't, everyone, including Kelly Ralston, went on to other things. Or so it had always seemed. But ten years later, Kelly finds herself attending the funeral of another one of the bridesmaids–the third member of the wedding party to meet a tragic death. Kelly can't help but wonder if the deaths are a coincidence. Or are they linked? If so, who will be targeted next?Thomas Beckham may be her only chance to find the killer. Before the killer finds her…

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