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What Happens In Vegas...: His Wedding-Night Wager

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472001351

Полная версия

HIS WEDDING NIGHT WAGERAfter ten years Shelby had returned to Vegas. But unlike the last time – when she was paid one million dollars to jilt casino owner Hayden MacKenzie at the altar – she was now being blackmailed by Hayden!Shelby would do anything to keep her secrets hidden… even give Hayden the wedding night he had lost.HER HIGH STAKES AFFAIROf all the men for director Raine Montgomery to be attracted to – Scott Rivers, really!Professional gambler Scott had bet fifty thousand dollars he’d bed her before they finished filming the Vegas poker showdown. No one – not even sexy Scott – was going to trump her!But the allure of the forbidden might be too irresistible…THEIR MILLION DOLLAR NIGHTWas one night worth one million dollars? Millionaire Max Williams would have said no – then he set his eyes on scandalous and sinful Roxy O’Malley.Roxy knew her secrets could cost Max his million-dollar deal, yet she couldn’t resist one evening in his arms!

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