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Pushing The Limits

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781474065931

Полная версия

“Houston, we have a hot astronaut problem…”Survival expert and control freak Jessie Odell has faced the most hazardous environments on earth. Training astronauts should be a cakewalk. Nope. Enter candidate Hemi “Thor” Barrett and his hot, ripped bod, and suddenly Jessie is breathless with raw excitement—something she hasn't felt for a long, long time—and it scares her to death.Hemi isn't just some sexy distraction. Jessie actually likes the guy—and that makes him more treacherous than an Everest ascent. It also means Hemi's that much harder to resist. With every hungry, heat-fueled encounter, Jessie skirts closer to that dangerous edge. Falling for this space cowboy is definitely high stakes…but could the payoff be worth the risk?

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