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Let it Ride

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472037336

Полная версия

Long legs, luscious curves and a passionate nature were fine, but what Las Vegas casino owner Deacon Prescott really wanted was a woman with c-l-a-s-s! And prim Kylie Smith fit the bill like an ace-high royal flush. The tempting brunette divorcée had a way of melting his heart even as she made his pulse race.Seducing her was easy. He'd made a bet that he could win her hand in marriage and had won. But then she'd turned the tables on him. Now this tough guy's only chance to save their whirlwind marriage was to risk his closely guarded heart, something he'd vowed he would never do….

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