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His Baby Agenda

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781474038584

Полная версия

A nanny. A single father. A love stronger than revenge? Only from USA TODAY bestselling author Katherine Garbera!en years ago, someone framed him for murder. Kingsley Buchanan lost everything, including Gabriella de la Cruz. Now the billionaire is back to settle old scores. But he must protect his child. Kingsley needs Gabi—as a nanny for his son.But Gabi is no longer a naive girl. She's a businesswoman with needs of her own. The only thing that hasn't changed: her hunger for Kingsley. But Gabi won't risk her heart on a man she can't trust—unless she can convince him that love is more powerful than revenge…

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