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Cinderella's Christmas Affair

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781472036902

Полная версия

It hardly took the stroke of midnight to remind CJ Terrence that, despite colored contacts and haute couture, she was still the mousy schoolgirl disposed to fairy-tale delusions. All it took was a chance holiday encounter with Tad Randolph. Years ago, the tycoon whose business could make or break her career had befriended her, then betrayed her.Now he wanted redemption–and more than a kiss beneath the mistletoe. Heaven help her, so did CJ.She craved Tad's taste and touch–always had. And something told her that fate in the form of an unlikely fairy godmother had delivered this second chance. Still, CJ wondered if she dare believe this Christmas affair could lead to ever after.

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