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The Ceo's Little Surprise

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019
ISBN: 9781474038669

Полная версия

It’s a corporate takedown in the boardroom and the bedroom—until a little secret raises the stakes!Cassandra Claremont’s favorite position is CEO—and she’s sure as hell not stepping down for Gage Branson, the sexy playboy who once broke her heart.When inside intel threatens her company’s success, he’s her number one suspect. So why is she still entranced by his sexual spell?Gage is determined to stoke the fire beneath Cass’s icy exterior and clear his name. Fortunately, working after hours with the blond beauty allows him to indulge in both. But when secrets from Gage’s past are exposed, will Cass lose her company, her heart, or both?

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