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Fall From Pride

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019

Полная версия

Against the peaceful night sky, a barn burns…Sarah Kauffman sought permission from her church elders to paint murals on a few of the Amish community's barns. Each was designed like an old-fashioned quilt square, representing a piece of the Amish traditions Sarah loved. The works of art were intended to draw more tourists to the Home Valley in the struggling economy. But instead, they invited a menace.One by one, each barn is set ablaze and destroyed… The arson fires spread fear through the community—amongst Amish and Englischers alike. Now Sarah wonders if she's being punished for her pridefulness…or whether there's a more malevolent will at work. As an outsider, arson investigator Nate MacKenzie struggles to investigate the crime scenes while adhering to Amish ways.With Sarah as his guide, he warms to the Plain People and their simple ways. As the fires rage, beliefs are challenged, a way of life is questioned and family secrets are exposed. In the aftermath of the destruction the people of the Home Valley must join together to raise their barns and their hopes for the future.

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