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Captivated by the Greek

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9781472098863

Полная версия

Swept off her feet… Mel Cooper intends to travel the world and shake off the shackles of her past. Until charismatic billionaire Nikos Parakis offers her a glimpse into his world full of opulent riches and sensual delicacies…… into a gilded cage?Salesgirl Mel might not be the rich Lothario’s usual type, but she can’t resist Nikos’s tempting offer: a no-strings romance with sun, sea and sinful seduction. However, soon Mel discovers the cost of her sultry nights with the captivating Greek – she’s pregnant! And when Nikos learns she’s carrying his heir Mel risks losing her liberty once more…Discover more at

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