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Live the Dream

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9780007373109

Полная версия

When friendship becomes love, two people must face their greatest fear – being hurt again… The powerful besteller from the country’s number one storyteller.Luke Hammond: handsome, rich, charismatic, cursed by private tragedy. Amy Atkinson: humble and kind with a good – but wounded – heart. When they meet by chance, a spark of love takes hold of their hearts.But neither are sure that they can dare to love again. And what of Luke's public life, hidden from Amy? The owner of a large factory, he is a pillar of the community, married – though in name only. Amy is torn between her head and her heart, but her sense of honour is paramount – and when she discovers his true identity, she is thrown into even greater turmoil.Then disaster strikes and the future looks troubled indeed ….

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