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Arizona Heat

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781408992548

Полная версия

She Wasn't Looking For a Husband Kansas McClellan was looking for her brother, and Paxton Moore was the only man who could help her. She'd heard he knew the tough, Western landscape like the back of his callused hand, so it didn't matter that he stirred in her feelings of longing that she'd rather not explore… .He Wasn't Out to Find a WifePaxton was happy with his life just the way it was, but ever since Kansas barged into town, the sultry days – and hot nights – were getting far too steamy for comfort. But he simply couldn't resist her. This was one female in distress he couldn't refuse – even if finding her brother meant losing his heart.

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