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Love and Kisses

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9780007342501

Полная версия

A fun and feisty novel from master storyteller Jean Ure – with a gorgeous look to appeal to all girls who love real-life stories.Thirteen-year-old Tamsin has never had a boyfriend, and she's starting to feel left behind. Even her ten-year-old sister has a boyfriend, so surely it must be her turn soon! When Tamsin meets Alex, she just can't stop thinking about him, and she’s thrilled when he asks her out on a date. But he’s sixteen and has already left school. Before she knows it, Tamsin is lying about her age and going behind her parents back… but for how long can she keep up the pretence?A charming story about the innocence of first love – and learning to do the right thing.

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