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Messages from Angels: Real signs our loved ones are looking down

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2019

Полная версия

In our deepest darkest hours, we are not alone. The spirits of our loved ones continue to exist after the body dies and many thousands of people around the world have experienced extraordinary signs from heaven to prove this.Afterlife expert and bestselling author Jacky Newcomb knows that the spirit world is real. In this short story she shares some of the thousands of tales she has heard about messages from the other side.•The spontaneous angel gift that gave a woman courage to leave an abusive relationship•The mysterious disappearing doctor who saved a pregnant woman and her premature baby son•The grandma and great grandma who protected their grandson, from heavenOrdinary people from all over the world have experienced signs that their angels are listening and supporting them in their time of need. In Messages from Angels, Jacky will bring hope and comfort and share some of the little signs that can bring magic into your life.

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