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Regency Rogues: Rescued By Temptation

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания:
ISBN: 9780008906825

Полная версия

What the ton doesn't know…Although in the eyes of the ton Cecelia Thompson is a wealthy widow, in reality she penniless. Randall Cheltenham, Marquess of Falconbridge seems to offer a safe haven, but he has turned into a dissolute rake! How can she trust a man who has hurt her before and who seems to have only become darker with the passing of time? • Trapped in the shadow of her mother’s notoriety, Miss Marianne Domville is excluded from London society. Her sole comfort is composing at her pianoforte—until author Sir Warren Stevens brings a forbidden thrill of excitement into her solitary existence…and a shocking proposal!

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