Скачать книгу Early Stories of Philip K. Dick, The Crystal Crypt (Unabridged)Аудио
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Early Stories of Philip K. Dick, The Crystal Crypt (Unabridged)

Язык: Английский
Тип: Аудио
Год издания:
Бесплатный фрагмент: mp3
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Полная версия

In The Crystal Crypt, Earth and Mars are poised on the verge of war. On the last spaceship to leave Mars for Earth, law enforcement officials are looking for three fugitives who somehow made a great Martian city disappear. Unable to find the perpetrators, the officials allow the ship to disembark for Earth. A businessman named Thacher strikes up a conversation with a young woman and two men who reveal a very interesting secret to him about the mysterious case.

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