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A Greek Escape

Язык: Английский
Тип: Текст
Год издания: 2018
ISBN: 9781472002099

Полная версия

Sun, sea and a suitcase of memories Jilted by her cheating boyfriend, with her self-esteem in tatters, Kayla Young escapes to an isolated Greek Island. The last thing she wants is to share her precious paradise with a mysterious arrogant Greek. Hounded from the city by the press and an entourage of gold-diggers, Leonidas Vassalio can’t believe he’s sharing his sanctuary with the one woman who doesn’t know who he is! And he’ll take full advantage of it.Enjoying peeling back the layers of this complicated woman, Leonidas realises she’s dismantling his armour. He must stop this before she discovers his lie – but can he…?‘“Power”ful writing and the characters to match!’ – Toni, Retired, Belfast

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